What is Middle Knowledge?

What is Middle Knowledge?

It is God’s infinite knowledge of what any individual will do in any given circumstance. It is how God providentially governs His creation.

Dave Hunt writes: “God exerts His influence upon men and events (exactly as He has foreknown He would from eternity past) in order to create the future for us that He desires and has willed.” (What Love is This?, p.184)

Daniel Whedon writes: “The Divine Plan, as embraced in God’s predeterminations, is a scheme strictly embracing only the Divine Actions. Supposing that in the infinite eternal past, God is employed in selecting from all possible systems that which his wisdom best approves. The system he adopts is a system consisting, properly and directly, of his own future actions. Knowing indeed by the absolute perfection of his own attribute of omniscience all future possibilities, including all possible results from any supposed arrangements, God does, in full foreknowledge of all results in the case, so plan all his own actions and courses as seems to him wisest and best.” (Freedom of the Will: A Wesleyan Response to Jonathan Edwards, p.244)